Monday, January 19, 2009

Music Together Outreach

I hope everyone has had a great first two weeks of the Bells collection! Remember to keep singing and moving with your kids at home. Remember, you are their most important music teacher.
Did you know that the parent/child program is not the only version of Music Together? The program is also available for use in a preschool setting, and we are fortunate to be able to provide Music Together as an outreach program for pre-kindergarten students at the Early Childhood Center in Sand Springs.
Many of you know Teresa Mossburg, who taught several of our classes at the Conservatory last year. She's now doing a wonderful job of teaching MT in Sand Springs.
There's a nice article in today's paper about the program. Click here to access it. (And feel free to leave positive comments in the space below the article if you are so inclined!) If you have any questions at all about it, please let me know. There are a few differences between the parent/child and the pre-k programs, but the basic goal is the same: to help kids reach basic music competence in a fun, age-appropriate fashion.
Have a great week!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome back!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good break and are excited to be back for the winter session of Music Together. Returning families, you probably remember that when you signed up for class for the first time, you were given a booklet called "Music and Your Child," which explained the Music Together philosophy, as well as including several good things to know about your child's musical development.

Well, that booklet has now been replaced by a DVD parent guide. Our new families are receiving it along with their regular class materials. However, if you're a returning parent but would like to see the DVD, you may watch it at Personally, I found it really interesting and very enjoyable.

Thank you so much for joining us for this session. We're so lucky to have so many great families in our program. I hope you're enjoying the Bells collection so far, and I'm looking forward to a great winter of music-making with everyone.
